Thursday, April 14, 2011

D2D: Ladybug Balancing Act

Hi friends,
I'm so happy you're excited about the blogoversary candy! You can find all the deets on this post---> Here if you're not in the know ;)

Today, I've got a sneaky peek at the next fab digi that will be emailed to those of you playing along on the progressive challenge on Faith's blog ~ Delightful Inspiration. It is called Ladybug Balancing Act.
Here's my card:
Isn't it adorable??? I printed the image twice so I could pop up the flower. I then staggered it a bit so it's not lined up with the base flower this way, it makes the flower appear fuller. It's colored with Copics & it got a Diamond Glaze bath. I topped it off with a heart button.

 Here's a closer peek:
I added some pearls with my Viva Decor Pearl pen a la Sankari :)

Thanks a bunch for peeking today!
Gotta Go!

Copic recipe: Flower: R29, R27, R24, R22  Ladybugs: R29, R24, R22, BG11, BG13, BG18  Grass: YG17, YG13, YG11
The 411
Stamps: Ladybug Balancing Act Digi- D2D, Everyday Button Bits- PTI
Ink: Memento black, Charcoal- Colorbox
Paper: Black, Pure Poppy, Beautiful Blooms PP- PTI, Neenah cs
Tools: Ribbon Banners- Spellbinders
Other: Vivs Decor Pearl pen- opal, ribbon, Copics, button, twine


  1. I love what you have done with this image! Adorable!

  2. Hi Karli!!
    Sorry, i didn't see that it was for US residence only..*lol* =)
    But what a lovelöy card, with such lovely & bright colors! Put a big smile on my face!! have a fab day! Hugs & Sunshine/ Sari

  3. Karli this is sooooo cute! Love the different colored bugs. And that flower has incredible! I have GOT to get one of those Decor pens. I really like the edging effect.

  4. Love that Diamond Glaze bath! The flower looks like red patent leather.

  5. This is crazy cute!! I love the red and how you glossed the flower!! And the bugs…..too cute!

  6. Wow oh wow! Absolutely gorgeous!!

  7. That is an adorable card. Love the way you did the flower. The ladybugs are so cute.

  8. Darling card- the colors are fantastic- love the glossy flower- and great layout.

  9. Oh this is so adorable. Hugs xo Jackie

  10. Gorgeous, the glazed flower is amazing. Such a fun card.

  11. WOW WOW WOW!!! this is super stunning! Adorable and gorgeous!

  12. Delightful creation! I've been playing along with D2D and am loving their images!

  13. Oh my word did you see this awesome flower??? WEll of course since you created it but I mean its really awesome! I love this card ... the colors, polka dots ... EVERYTHING is fabulous.


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