Tuesday, February 22, 2011

PTI Make it Mondays Challenge #3

Hello friends,
I have a card to share for this week's:
The technique this week is one I know quite well: Using Scor-Tape with glitter.
Here's my card:
 (sorry, the Kraft looks dark in this pic :(
I've used the technique two ways. First around the edges of my card base to create a frame and second, on the bookmark (strip of Aqua Mist cs). I also used my scor-pal to create an embossed edge (a la Nichole) along the glittered edge. I think this is the first time I've inked up this set All Booked Up- honestly, I don't know why cuz I loved it from the get go. I love to read & this is the *perfect* set for reading appreciation.
It's a pretty simple card, but has lots of dimension!
The colors are so yummy & are this week's color challenge at JUGS: Aqua, Melon, & Kraft

Copic Colors Used: R01, R02, R05, BG10, BG15, E0000, C00, C1

Since we're on the topic of reading... I have a little story to share.
I was always a good reader, but I didn't always like to read. I read because I had to, not because I wanted to. One day, when I was in 3rd grade, my mom brought home a bag of books people donated to poor kids. Well, we were those poor kids. I had a reading log to fill out so I browsed through the bag & picked a Sesame Street book called "The Monster at the End of this Book" --->They had me at the title! Hee! Hee! I read it intrigued to go on to the next page, but the character in the book kept telling me NOT to turn the page and each time I turned the page something funny would happen! Finally, I got to the page before the last page---> the page where the monster was. I was nervous. I was excited. My heart was pounding in my chest with anticipation. I turned the page & roared with laughter! I immediately had to read it again, & again, & again! That little Sesame Street book awakened a love I would have for the rest of my life---> READING. After that, I read because being engaged & totally losing myself in a story was magical!
Here's what that little book looks like:
It was out of publication for many years, but when I found it again as an adult (which is a whole other story ;) I bought 3 copies. 1 that's in our home library of children's books, the 2nd is in my classroom library, and the 3rd is in my safe along with my important documents---> seriously! So every year, on the first day of school, as I got a new batch of kiddos, this is the book I would read to them with the hope that they, too, would find the magic of reading for themselves. I don't know that this book has won any literary awards, but it has won the hearts of every child I've ever read it to. And that's worth a whole lot more.

Thanks so much for peeking today & for allowing me to share my fav book of all time with ya!

The 411
Stamps: All Booked Up- PTI
Paper: Kraft cs- SU, Melon Berry cs, Aqua Mist cs, Vintage Cream cs- PTI
Ink: Crumb cake-SU, Melon Berry- PTI, Memento Rich Cocoa
Tools: Labels 7 Nesties, circle punch
Other: Scor-Tape, ultra fine glitter crystal- MS


  1. That is just the sweetest card!I actually haven't tried glitter...but i use embossing powder and heat it...have to try glitter too! have a great day!

  2. A very beautiful card, & a great story! I love your color choices, & the glitter!!! I only wish my g'dtr was old enough for this book...well maybe not. The 2-3 year old stage is precious. Anyway, I loved my visit to your blog!

  3. This is so so cute. Love the glitter around the edges! Your story was also very cute. I remember that book!

  4. Beautiful color and that layout with the spellbinder die is perfect!!!

  5. The glitter frame around the card looks great.

    Loved your story. I never heard of that book. I'm sure you have helped many children develop a love of reading.

  6. What a lovely card. Love the book die cut.

  7. Wow, this card is awesome! I love how it looks like an open book. The colors are great, too, and what a neat way to make your glitter strip a border! You are one creative lady :)

  8. Really, really pretty card. Great use of All Booked Up.

  9. I like how you embossed he edge and the glitter is so Cinderella enchanting like!

  10. Love your story about the Monster at the End of the Book; I read this story to my now 28 year old son; we read it over and over and over; and 14 years after HE was born, HE read it to his NOW 14 year old brother. Both my boys (28 and 14) LOVE to read because of the time we took to read to them both. Thank you for the memories of this book.

  11. My daughters (26 & 20) both loved having me read them the Monster at the End of the Book. They were arguing over who the book actually belonged too so I of course bought extra copies for both of them. There is a also a second book Another Monster at the End of this Book that has Elmo added to the story. Both girls now have the second book added to their library. Great memories!!

  12. Lovely card and I'm so glad the book turned you on to reading and glad you managed to get more copies of it, I have been re-buying childhood books lately too.


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