Monday, February 21, 2011

It's a Beautiful Life

Hi there friends,
Today I have a card for this week's color inspiration at CR84FN. I'm not one for color challenges (don't really know why), but as soon as I saw these colors, I just had to play along.
Here's the color palette:
swoon... anything with gray and pink works for me.

Here's my card:

I used a new stamp set I won from a challenge at JUGS :) It's called A Beautiful Life from Gina K  & it's a beautiful stamp set. The tulips are colored with Copics & then I added Glossy Accents to them. The edge of the frame has ultra-fine glitter so it's a bit sparkly (although you can't tell in this pic :(
It's a pretty simple card for me :)
Copic colors used: V12, V15, V17, V91, V93, V95, YG91, YG93, YG97

This card also qualifies for the following challenges:
Cute Card Thursday- shiny cards
Paper Play- Add shine
Creative Cottage: Florals

Thanks for peeking today!
Gotta Go!

The 411
Stamps: A Beautiful Life by Melanie Muenchinger for Gina K, Signature Greetings-PTI
Paper: Gray- Bazzill, Blush Blossom- SU, Lush- My Mind's Eye, White CS- Neenah
Ink: memento black
Other: Pearls- Kaiser, Glossy Accents-Ranger, Nesties Labels 14, Ultra-Fine Glitter Crystal- MS


  1. I don't blame you those colors are gorgeous! I love the way you shaded the tulips

  2. lovely card! so clean and pretty! the coloring is just great.

  3. Beautiful card. I love the way you colored the tulips.

    Have a great week!


  4. Very pretty card! Love those tulips and how your placed pearls around the sentiment!

  5. Karli, this is GORGEOUS!! Beautifully colored flowers...and I love those pearls around the sentiment.

  6. This is utterly gorgeous! The tulips are so beautifully coloured and I love the little gems around the oval!! Thanks so much for playing along with CR84FN this week!

  7. georgeous card! you did fantastic with your color scheme!

  8. Very pretty card Karli! You did a great job coloring those Tulips and I love the polka dot label! Thanks so much for playing along with CR84FN :)

  9. Very nice & elegant Like the little white pearls or dots on the outside of the oval !

  10. Oh My your card is so gorgeous!! Thanks so much for playing along this week at Paper Play

  11. oh wow this is soooooooooo pretty
    Thanks for joining the fun at Creative Cottage
    Anne x

  12. Tulips, glitter, & pearls--beautiful!

  13. These tulips looks so real!Wow!
    This card looks elegant, CAS but most of all GORGEOUS!Thanks so much for playing along at CR84FN!

  14. These tulips are gorgeous!!! So glad to see you won it from JUGS ;) This is a fabulous card!!! Awesome use of the challenge colors! Thanks so much for playing along with CR84FN!!!

  15. This is so pretty! I love the pink dotted paper you used!! Great job with the colors!!

  16. WOW... your tulips are just stunning!! This is beautiful, thank you so much for joining CR84FN this week!

  17. This is lovely, Karli! Your tulips are gorgeous! Thanks for playing along with CR84FN!

  18. Karli, love your new stamp set! The tulips look pretty in purple, which happens to be my fave color ever. :)

    Thanks for your kind comments on my card for Cardabilities, and that I was a winner there. I appreciate the heads-up!


Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment :) So appreciated!