Sunday, November 22, 2015

Card times Four

Hi ya friends,
Just catching up on some cards I've made recently. I have four to share with ya today!

The first was for my friend who was celebrating a retirement & birthday party:
I made a fun shaker card using MFT's Congrats Shaker dies. I wanted to incorporate her favorite things: casinos & turtles. I didn't have ANY turtle stuff, so I opted for the color green. I made a few playing cards and tucked them behind the "A." The background is an old SU Wheel stamp I unmounted to make flat.
Here's another peek:
 and the innies:
This SU set (Congrats) was perfect for a retirement/birthday card as it had sentiments for both! *Ü* The bottom is embossed with a CB border embossing folder.
I used this week's MFT sketch: #255

Next, I created an encouragement card for a friend:
I used the MFT Sun Ray Stencil along with embossing paste & Distress Inks to create the background. I added a couple of stitched glittered clouds (La La Land Crafts), and scattered some sparkling clear sequins (Pretty Pink Posh). The "Thinking of You" word dies are from Impression Obsession.

Card #3:
This card went to another friend for her birthday. I had my eye on this Unforgettable stamp set from Wplus9 for ages. I broke down & finally bought it, & I'm so glad I did! It is ADORBS!!! It has great sentiments too. The little elephant is colored with Copics & the background was ink blended with Distress Inks.

My final card went to a student in one of my Spanish classes:
My poor student has had a hard time recuperating from an appendectomy she underwent. I thought I would send this card her way & hope she's back to good health speedy quick. I used a few sets from Lawn Fawn on this card: Get Well Soon, Into the Woods, Woodgrain Backdrops. It was colored with Copics & ink blended with Distress Inks.

Thanks for hanging in for all these cards! I know I should post more often so I don't have to bombard you with cards all at once, right?! *Ü*

Thanks so much for peeking today! Have a great day! *Ü*


  1. each one of them is simply adorable!! just love love them! have a wonderful day! Hugs and sunshine!

  2. Casinos and turtles - sounds like my brother! Fabulously fun Congrats Shaker. I'm feeling encouraged looking at your beautiful Thinking of You card. The last two cards are both adorbs! Hope your student is feeling better.


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