Monday, June 17, 2013

Proud to be AWESOME

Hi ya friends,
I know it's been a bit quiet on the blog front, but I had a birthday last Thursday. I have to admit, I was pretty depressed because the old odometer turned to a two digit number that ends in zero :( boo ---> insert tears here. Now it's official, I'M OLD! Well, my friends & family didn't let me feel down for very long because I've been partying since Thursday, & it's been SO FUN! I've had such a blast! I realized it's hard to feel old, when you're busy having fun! *Ü*

Today, I have a card to share I made for my Grammy to give to another little boy she used to take care of.
Here it is:
 I thought these papers screamed Summer fun! They're from the All about a Boy collection from Echo Park. The T-shirt is from the Masculine Graphic T-Shirt Dienamics & stamp set from MFT. I stamped it in Night of Navy & Pumpkin Pie. Then I went to town distressing all the edges. The white panel is embossed in a wood embossing folder.

I used this week's MFT sketch, of course ;)

Thanks so much for peeking today.
You'll want to take a peek at the next post I'm preparing.
Hint: It may have been my birthday, but someone else is getting some presents... just sayin'

The 411 
Stamps: Masculine Graphic T-Shirt, Birthday Sentiments- MFT 
Paper: White cs, All about a boy-EP 
Ink: Night of Navy, Pumpkin Pie, London Fog
 Accessories: Dienamics: T-Shirt, Mini Tabs Quartet- MFT


  1. Happy, belated birthday my friend!!!

    Love your card. Specially the T-Shirt die.

    Big hugs,

  2. Happy, happy (belated) birthday!!!

    'Awesome' card! I have yet to use my T-shirt (female) die :(

  3. Happy birthday my friend, glad you've been celebrating with family and friends, you deserve it. Fun card for your grammy to give, perfect for a teen boy!


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