Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Ballerina Tilda

Hi there friends,
I have a card to share using one of my new Maggies. I thought the Prince & Princess collection was a really cute one so it was hard to exert some self-control & not buy 'em all :)
Here's my card:
 This one is one of my favs. It's called Tilda with ballet shoes. Isn't she so cuuuute!?

Here's a closer peek at her:
She's colored with Copics. I've been looking for a good color combo for med African-American skin, but just haven't pinned down the right one :( I used E33, E35, & E37 for her. Hmmm, I gotta keep looking... well, her tutu & the flower on her headband got a double dose of Cotton Candy Stickles. I let the thick layers dry in between applications & that helped to create a chunkier effect. The tulle flowers are from Prima & I've had them forever! They finally found the right card to make their debut. The papers are from the London Market collection from Pink Paisley.

I used this week's sketch at The Cutie Pie Challenge: but I forgot it's also supposed to be an easel card. Doh! No can do this challenge :(
I'd like to play along in the following challenges:
Bunny Zoe's Crafts: Anything Goes
Make it Monday: Anything Goes
Simon Says Stamp & Show: Anything Goes
Magnolia Stamp Lovers: Flowers
Do You Stack Up: Use a flower

Thanks so much for peeking.
Gotta Go!


  1. Sooooo sweet. Love the coloring.

    Hig hugs,

  2. Oh yes, she is sooo cute! Your coloring is amazing. Love the pretty flowers and bow.

  3. Gorgeous gorgeous card!!!! Thank you so much for joining us at MIM. Don't forget to leave a comment for another entry and mention you saw them on MIM for a chance to win our second prize!
    Rene ;D

  4. Super cute. Thanks for sharing Karli. Hope you are feeling better!

  5. I love this one (bought her, too, lol). She looks so pretty. I like the skin tone, looks great. Pretty flowers with her, too.

  6. This is such a gorgeous card. I love the image you've used and the colours also. Thanks for joining us this month at Bunny Zoe Crafts. Hugs Michele x


Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment :) So appreciated!