Friday, April 13, 2012

Blogoversary! Times THREE!!!

Hola friends!
Today marks a special day around the blog-o. It's my 3rd year blogoversary!!! That means 565 posts, nearly 400 followers (Wowee!), and over 228,500 hits ---> AMAZING! WOW! THANK YOU for all your kind comments & peeks at my crafty creations over the last 3 years.
      If you've been around my blog, you know I like THREE, 3 is a good number :) so I have some special blogoversary goodies all ready to go with the theme of Three!
    But first, sorry I meant to get this post up sooner, but the weather here in Southern California has been ever so icky! Lots of wind, rain & even threat of a tornado in Orange County! Ack! So that's why I was detained. I wasn't sure if I was going to make it cuz the freeways were so crowded :( even though I was driving my fabbie car:
The Hello Kitty Ferrari :) look at the cool exhaust pipes! Vroooom!

fortunately, my other means of transportation was standing by ready to bring me home:

I got home speedy quick! Awww, home sweet home ;)

 When I opened the door I had some lovely flowers waiting for me:
awww, so sweet!

Now friends, it's time to have some cake:

Pour a bit of the bubbly:
and open our blogoversary presents! Yaaaay!
Like I said before, being that it's my 3rd blogoversary, and you know I like 3, I thought it would be ideal to theme this blog candy with...3. So everything will be in sets of three! How 'bout a peek at some of that candy now :)

First up is Tool Time: My 3 Fav T!m Tools:
The inkssentials blending tool, Design Ruler, and the tiny attacher. Luuuuv these!

Now that you have some good tools, you're ready to stamp! Maybe you'd like 3 of these:
3 Magnolia Stamps! You're getting Tilda Spreads Love, Tilda in the garden, and the brand-spankin' new, special edition, Stamping Tilda :)

Now you've inked up these girls, so you're ready to start your cards. You'll need some of this:
Some of my fav pattern paper! You'll get 3 6x6 packs of My Mind's Eye gorgeous collections.

Your cards are made so now comes the fun part... embellishing them!

So let's add:
3 packs of pretty flowers in pinks, yellows, & white (to mist/color any color you'd like :)

and this:
3 packs of adhesive rhinestones of beautiful designs & swirls.

3 packs of metal charms in flowers & butterflies nicely detailed.

Should we stop here??? Nooooo, go big or go home right?!

Let's add one of my fav, fav, fav things:
3 Viva Decor Pens in my top used colors: Opal, Cream, & Ice White

And to add some last few play things for your Tildas. How 'bout...

a few tulle butterflies :) You'll be getting 3 of 3 different colors in the larger butterflies and 3 of  6 different colors of the small butterflies.

But WAIT! You don't have to choose. You get it ALL!!!

Here's the whole prize pack:
While I would have luuuuved to have 3 prize packs, jet fuel is expensive these days :(

So, what do you need to do to win? That's simple!

1) Just leave a comment on this post. ONE please. It could be about anything or answer this question: As you know I kinda like Hello Kitty. (No, I'm not obsessed! ;p) What's your obsession or what do you just luuuuv?

2) As with any other blog candy I've ever offered, you DO NOT need to be a follower. Follow this blog only if you like the crazy crafty concoctions I share :) I am truly humbled by the followers I have, & I'd rather you follow cuz you want to, not cuz there's blog candy up for grabs. BUT... (yes, there is a but) if you are a follower, as a thank you & token of my appreciation, I'll add a special prize to the mix. I'll give you a hint: You'll die to get your hands on them :)

3)  You have until midnight (PST) Friday, April 20th to leave your comment.

As with the previous years, my beautiful assistant:
will use to choose a winner. The winner will have until Sunday, April 22 to claim their prize or my beautiful assistant will choose again. This prize pack is open to everyone :)

Big THANK YOUs to everyone for THREE wonderful years of bloggy fun! Special Thanks to my blog friends who stop by regularly & leave sweet, encouraging comments & those who I've had the true pleasure of knowing since the beginning!

Here's to more lovely crafternoons!

Sadly all the pics today are not mine. I will post the links in a little bit. No, I don't actually own the HK Ferrari or Jet... yet ;)


  1. Hah.....I'm first! *LOL*

    Dear friend,
    congratulations on your Blogoversary!
    I hope we get to celebrate much more, because I really love what you do.

    Do I have an obsession? Not really.......or maybe I do? I can't walk by any craft store without going in. I love crafts and everything that has to do with it. ;-)

    Thank you for the chance to win this generous Blogoversary Candy and since it serves my "obsession" I'm definately giving it a try.

    Big hugs to you,

  2. Congratulations on your 3rd anniversary Karli, thank you for the chance to win all of these lovely goodies

  3. Congratulations, Karli, on 3 fabulous blogging years! I have enjoyed all of your wonderful creations!!! Keep them coming!!!

    You know, everytime I see something Hello, Kittie, I think of you!

  4. Love this post! The picture of your assistant has left me speechless (which is very hard to do). Absolutely darling!

  5. Happy three years!! I am so thrilled that you are around. You inspire me! You are such a hoot! I love all the Hello Kitty things you find!!

  6. I have been a follower for awhile. I love your cat - I can't believe she sat still long enough to let you dress her, she's adorable. I am also a cat lover - I have three!

  7. Congratulations on your anniversary! I follow along because I don't want to miss any of the fun! I love creating anything, so I guess that would be the answer to what do I luuuuv. This is the most amazing blog candy EVER!

  8. Happy 3 year Blogaversary!!! I absolutely ADORE your Hello Kitty obsession...and your cat dressed up as Hello Kitty!! SO CUTE!! Your Hello Kitty obsession really takes me back to my childhood....I loved EVERYTHING Hello Kitty!! I was obsessed with it as well! NOW....I'm just obsessed with cats (I have 6 furry friends who live with me now) and crafts....LOVE my crafts!!

  9. Hello, Karli!

    Happy 3rd Blogerversary! That is a triple, super, duper blog candy.

    My obsession is shoes. I love, love, love pretty shoes. Always have.

    Hugs, Lisa

  10. Loved seeing the HK theme! I myself am a 49 year old HK FAN! I'm over obsessed with her too! Thanks for posting all the happy HK pics and thanks for the chance to win!

  11. Congratulations on your "Blogaversary"! What a great list of goodies! So love the Magnolia stamps, don't have a one, but I love them all! I have a DGD who loves "Hello Kitty", so youa re in good company! Love your blog!

  12. Love it! I am obsessed with paper crafting. Seriously...some days it is all I can think about, shop for, etc.etc.

    Happy anniversary and thanks for the chance to win!

    Jen D

  13. Happy anniversary! thanks for the chance to win this great package of fun stuff! Love the flower bouquet!

  14. Love the picture of your assistant!! LOL ~ too cute!
    Congrats on your blogaversary!!!
    I am obsessed with paper crafting, dachshunds, and reading! I could spend all my time with those three things!
    Thanks for the chance to win this AWESOME candy!!!


  15. Karli,
    I was about to ask if that was really your house. My daughter is a HK crazy fanatic and was screaming when she saw the car, jet, and house. Is the house a tourist spot in CA?
    Thanks for the generous opportunity you are giving all of us to win the blog candy...amazing!!!

  16. the Hello Kitty pictures are to cute with 4 grandgirls cat lovers (including hello kitty) in my life I thought I had seen it all! LOL I love paper crafting and collecting Americana.

  17. Congrats on your Blogversary- I love stopping by and seeing all of your fabulous creations. I love all of the Little Kitty pictures- love the house (really) and the car- and the plane....! Wahoo!!! Fun blog candy!!! Will post it on my sidebar!

  18. Karli, Congratulations on your blogiversary!! I am a follower and I really can't think of any obsession! I have too much patterned paper -- but I'm a diet so that's not it.... I'm feeling boring right now! Your prize package is HUGE!! and I know whoever wins it will be very happy!

  19. Congratulations! Hope you're having a blast out driving around in your sweet card! Love all of your goodies--I love collecting all sorts of stampin' goodies!

  20. Congrats on your Blogversary! Hello Kitty pics are just to cute. I'm obsessed with scrapbooking, paper crafts, sewing, and photography. Wonderful giveaway, thanks for the chance to win.

  21. Happy 3rd Blogoversary Karli! As you know, I just love your creations and your wonderful sense of humour. So great to see that your Hello Kitty collection has expanded to planes and automobiles!
    Thanks for this uber-fabulous giveaway, and a big thank-you for sharing your life and talents with us.
    Wishing you happiness and good health!

  22. Happy blogoversary! I've just stumbled across your blog from a youtube video you did. I love your assistant--mine is always by my side while I craft. Lately I am obsessed with pop-up cards. I am a new follower and look forward to more crafty stuff!
    Visit my blog: to see some of my work!
    Thanks again!

  23. HAPPY 3rd YEAR!!!! AWEASOME & HOLLY COW BATMAN what a package! I am already a follower and I really like hello kitty my self!!

  24. I have just recently found this blog, by following links from other blogs I go to. I love the cake.

  25. Congrats on your 3rd blogaversary!!! I love that ferrari lol. I always enjoy looking at your creations. Thanks for letting your visitors celebrate with you and keep up the fabulous work =)

  26. Congrats on your blogiversary! I laughed the whole time I was reading your your post! Yes, I am a follower, and would love to win your prize, but am just as happy for the laugh you gave me tonight. Love your real life "Hello Kitty" by the way.

  27. Love your assistant.. Congratulations on your 3rd blogiversary.. My obsession or love is owls they appear on my cards and I seem to gravitate towards anything owl stamp orientated. :)

  28. Love love love Hello Kitty also. Your blog is so cool I read it every day. Congrats on the blogiversary!

  29. Congratulations, Karli! Wow, it's hard to believe it's been 3 years already. I haven't been following you all 3 years, but 2 of them. I love to create artistic pages in my scrapbooks.

  30. Congrats on your 3rd Blogversary! I love your post. So fun! Thank you for the chance to win all these goodies. (I am a follower. Love your blog and projects!)

  31. Oh Karli! I was super busy this weekend & just saw your post... You have put the smile on my face this gloomy Monday morning! I've been giggling the whole time I scrolled thru your pics :-) Happy blogoversary! My obsession is purple.. I LOVE anything purple! drawn to it like a moth to a light!

  32. Hi Karli! Happy 3rd Blogoversary! You have provided me so much inspiration for all of my projects. It's such a honor to have you comment on MY posts. Let's see, what am I obsessed with? Anything New England/Boston sports related, paper crafting, and of course, our favorite.....scary movies! Congrats and many more!

  33. OH I just love hello kitty and so does my daughter.. Love the car and the obsession is anything Wizard of that movie...have alot of decorations and collectables. Happy Blogoversary!!!! Thanks for the opportunity to win this great prize. my blog is

  34. Happy Blogville anniversary!!! What a awesome prize package. My obession or not is pink & green.

  35. Happy Blogoversary! Wow, three years! Congratulations :) I only started making cards a few months ago and it is turning into an obsession :)
    Celestial Things

  36. Happy 3rd Blogaversary! Thanks for the chance to win a great candy. Always love your cards. My obsession at the moment is Spellbinder Dies, I can't get enough of them.

  37. Happy Blogaversary, Karli! I discovered your blog a few months ago and was instantly drawn to it. I just love your work! We have a couple of things in common - I am also a high school teacher (I teach Math) and I am a HUGE Hello Kitty fan. Wish I could have at least one of the HK items you showed in your blog. The Ferrari would be a good one to start with. Hahaha! Anyway, I wish you the best and many more wonderful years of blogging. Thank you for the opportunity to win this awesome package. Take care!

  38. Congrats on your blogaversary! I have been a follower for a while now because you are very talented and I am amazed by your projects.
    There is not really any character that I an a collector of, though Hello Kitty is pretty cute!

  39. Happy Blogaversary! Love, love, love your creative thinking and the fun you share with us! I am so obsessed with all things to do with papercrafting.

  40. Hi Karli! Happy 3rd Blogaversary! You are such an inspiration to me, I absolutely love everything you do. It's quite an honor to have you comment on my blog. I have so many obsessions...anything paper crafty, anything Boston/New England sports and our favorite....scary movies! Thanks for the chance to win!

  41. I am a new follower of your Yt channel and decided to check out your blog. My daughter would love your blog and would love a drive in your car. She has the same house as you, she is HK crazed too! I gave her a HK graduation cake when she graduated HS. My obsession has to be crafting, I am like so many other crafters and have far too much of everything. My latest obsessions are Gorjuss stamps and Magnolia stamps, love them! Thanks for the chance to win this amazing giveaway. Hugz, Kim
