Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Cardabilities sketch 16 DT Reveal

Hello there friends,
Stop the madness! It's already the end of November- Yikes! but the good news is that means it's time for another brand spankin' new sketch for ya from Cardabilities.
Here's the sketch: preeeeety right???
 Here's my card:
 I used the SEI Wintersong paper for my card. I freehand cut the tree & layered some snowflakes & bling on the bare branches. I used the cloud dies (PTI) & cut them out of fluffy, white felt.
Here's a closer peek at that:
This felt is glittered as well.
That's it- pretty simple, straight forward card. :)

Eeek! I almost forgot to mention there's an awesome giveaway for playing along with this sketch:

The prize would be a Fancy Folds and Motion Paper Crafts CD (Value $17.95) and a one year on-line subscription to the Technique Junkie Newsletter.


How to Win: Create a card using Sketch #16 and link using Mr Linky, you have until Dec 12 to complete!
Please stop by the Cardabilities blog for all the deets & while you're there you've got to check out the rest of the DT's amazing creations that will surely sketchspire your crafty bones. Truly one of my fav reveals evaaaaah!

Thanks so much for peeking today!
Gotta Go!


  1. Awesome card! Love the snowflakes, clouds, and bow.

  2. Stunning card! I love this card...Awesome, Hugs, Ronnie

  3. So very pretty.. love teh snow themed deers.. the striped border :) whites against greys on this card :)

  4. What a BEAUTIFUL and elegant christmas card!!

  5. Wow.......I really love what you made out of that sketch. Great job.


  6. This is so totally fabulous! I adore the sweet deer, your tree and those soft clouds are amazing. Really great!!!

  7. you did a great job with this sketch. I love those little clouds. Its a perfect snowy scene

  8. Your card is so lovely Karli :):):) I love the snowflakes and the reindeer and those felt clouds....you get my drift :) Just gorgeous!

  9. These are hard sketches Karli, you rock them every month. I love the snow and clouds, such a beautiful card.

  10. What a great card- I love the white deer and the snowflakes in the tree- you always have the greatest details on your cards!

  11. How beautiful. Love everything about this card


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