Saturday, June 19, 2010

Cinema Saturday Challenge: Father of the Bride

Hi ya friends!
I'm so glad you're here :) Today, Amy & I get to reveal this week's movie as guest designers for Cinema Saturday Creative Challenge! This week's flick is...
Your challenge, should you accept it, is to create with "something blue" from the wedding adage "something old, something new, something borrowed, something BLUE."

I had not seen this movie so I rented it & had such a blast watching it! Steve Martin is hilarious!!! I think I could mute the movie & just watch his facial expressions & crack up! The whole cast is great :) One of my favorite scenes was when they were at the dinner table when she's telling them she's getting married & George just sees his "little 6 year old girl" telling him she's getting married! Aww, I think that's exactly how dads really must feel :) (Hee! Hee!)

Anyhoo, on to my card...
Here's the cover:
I used a soft blue. I cut out the main image from the Love Struck Cricut cart. The ribbon works as the closure.

Open the card & this pops up:
A big ol' engagement ring! 
Modeled after the size of my own ring (if viewed with a microscope) just kidding ;)

Here are a few more peeks of it:
I used the Sizzix 3D Ball die for the diamond (I told you I wasn't done with it ;)
and cut the ball in Shimmer White CS. I had originally done it in vellum, but it did not hold up well :(  For the gold band, I simply cut a strip of Shimmer Gold CS & tucked the ends under the pattern paper leaving it so that it loosely sat above it (for even more dimension.) I cut out the Congrats with the Gypsy Wanderings (minus the star) & sprinkled some flowers around. The beautiful papers come from the Linen Closet collection from DCWV (my most fav DCWV stack evah!)

So that's it! Hope you're inspired to play along :) You've got til Thursday night to get your creations in. If you haven't seen Father of the Bride, be sure to treat yourself to it! It's loads of laughs!
Thanks for popping in!
Gotta Go!


  1. Thank you so much for being our guest designer this week Karli!! !You simply created such an awesome creation!!! LOVE that pop up diamond! WIsh I had one like that for real - or maybe one - just a wee bit smaller so that I could actually move/walk :))) LOVE the colors and the way you created this poppin' creation!!! Always so much fun to see your creations! Big hugs!!!
    Sankari :)

  2. Karli, our husband's must have shopped in the same store for rings....hehehe. Love this 3D card and that big old honkin' ring. My favorite card of yours ever!!!!

  3. Your card is divine! I love the color, and the inside is awesome with the pop up diamond-and I agree about Steve Martin's facial expressions!

  4. Karli, this is totally the AWESOMEST!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Wow this is just amazing Karli! Love it

  6. I adore the big engagement ring! That's some awesome bling.

  7. Fun, fun, fun. I love big diamonds!!! Great card, and I adore that movie, too.

  8. Another amazing project! I just ordered the sizzix die cut to make this pop-up. You are awesome and you inspire me! For that reason I want to share with you the Trendy Blog award! Come over to my blog and grab the picture and post it onto your blog and give it to FIVE other creative blog buddies.

  9. My blog is


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