Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Blog Candy #1: My Favorite Things- Stampin' Up! Collection

Hi friends,
This is Blog Candy #1: My Favorite Things- Stampin' Up! Collection
Here it is:

The Whole Enchilada:
Like many of you, Stampin' Up! is what created the monster you've come to know on my blog :) So it's only appropriate to chose it for my blogoversary. This collection includes some of my favorite SU! products.

In this Collection, you will receive:
* Stampin' Dimensionals: (luuuuuuuuuv! My favorite foam tape)
* God's Beauty Stamp set- New & Unmounted (One of my all time favorites! Such a beautiful butterfly & all the images are fab!)
* Gift Card Holder I created for my  video tutorial---> Here
* a $25 Shopping Spree at the awesomely amazing Patti Lee's (I misspelled her name on the pic :( grrr.) SU! Online Store. Why Patti Lee? Well, because she was the VERY FIRST person to ever leave a comment on my blog & I think that's AWESOME!!! Yup, I wear that like a badge of honor 'cause I just luuuuv her blog---> Creations by Patti!
* Raffaello - because it's Blog Candy! You can't offer blog candy without any candy, right! That's how I do it ;)

Before your fingers get fiesty, remember to read THE RULES---> HERE. Leave your comment(s) on this post for Blog Candy #1.  Oh, and because no one ever wants to be the first one to leave a comment, Hello Kitty has offered to take one for the team. She's first, then it's all yours :) Good Luck friends!


  1. Hello Kitty said...
    Good Luck everyone!

  2. This is such sweet candy! I love Patti's blog too! Happy Blogaversary!

  3. I'd like to say Oooo and might I add Ahhhhh. That is quite a haul you're giving away.Now I'm going to go check out Patti's blog ;)

  4. The stamp set your are offering is BEAUTIFUL!! Thank you for offering this yummy prize for all of us! Mary

  5. Hi Karli-
    Great candy- I've never heard of Raffaello before. I love Patti's blog too- she has great instructions and projects! Happy Blogaversary!


  6. I just stumbled upon your blog yesterday and absolutely loved your video tutorial on gift card holder from an envelope! Happy Blogaversary to you!!

  7. Happy Anniversary Karli! You post wonderful projects and I am so glad you are here! I look forward to seeing what you have posted and your tutorials are always amazing! TFS

  8. This is another great giveaway and one of my favorite SU sets (that I don't happen to own). Happy "blogoversary"!

  9. I wouldn't have minded being first!!! But the lovely assistant is doing a fabulous job with her duties during your blogaversary! Congrats on a wonderful first year and I hope you keep it up for many more to come! Love this candy, too!! I found Patti's blog through yours and what a treat that is!!

  10. Happy Blogoversary Karli! I love your site and your amazing masaterpieces! Thanks for sharing them with us and for being so generous!

  11. Happy Blogoversary! I love your blog!

  12. Thanks for such a great blog! I've been a follower for a while and always know I'll be inspired when your name shows up on my feed!

  13. Happy Blogoversary! I have been a follower for quite some time, and I love your work!

    Minneapolis, MN
    redbird423 at yahoo dot com

  14. Wow, those toys are so befitting of your blogaversary! Congrats and thanks for the opportunity to cast my hat in the ring! CM2 :-)

  15. Happy Blogoversary! Wonderful candy!

    elizgmom at yahoo dot com

  16. Super Blog!!!
    Congrats on a wonderful first year and I hope you keep it up for many more to come!
    LOVE your Tut on the gift card holder, (can see I will be making those)!!!
    Thanks so much for the chance to win FAB blog candy!!

  17. Dein Blog ist einfach Spitze. Alle Sachen kann super gut nacharbeiten. Mach weiter so.
    Liebe Grüße Petra

  18. Congrats, Karli! You rock! Blessings to you!

  19. Just found your blog today, your projects are gorgeous! Can't wait to read the whole thing :) I'm your 100th follower, congrats!

  20. 3 favorites... i like how you think.... stampin up sure is a good product.


  21. This is very generous of you! You do some great work... was just browsing. :)

  22. You are very creative. Thank you for the RAK opportunity. yorkielov@gmail.com

  23. Thanks for the RAK. Never heard of Raffaello candy before.

  24. Congrats on your anniversary. Glad you posted as I would never have seen your blog. After I post comments going to sign up to follow. TFS

  25. Congrats on your Blogversary. Please enter me in the drawing. I am is desparate need of a RAK. LOL!
    mdot kdot schmidt athotmail dotcom

  26. Congratulations on your "blogaversary" ! I'm so glad I came across your blog, your work is fabulous!! I just love the critter cards, they are darling! Thanks for sharing your ideas with us, you are truely an inspiration! I look forward to following...

  27. Happy Blogaversary! Wow..that year sure did fly by quickly. Love you work and your blog.

    What wonderful treats you have to share with us and "candy" too.

    I so want to win.

  28. Wow! I just found your blog and will be subscribing! Thanks for the giveaway!!!


  29. Oh my gosh, I'm loving your blog! I'm so becoming a follower. Thanks for the chance at the awesome blog candy.

  30. Thanks for the opportunity. Have been on your blog many times, but just signed up to follow. I don't know why I wasn't before, b/c I know I lurk here often. :-)

    Would love to try some Stampin' Up products. Just recently became a CTMH rep, so would like to see the Stampin' Up stamps.

    Thanks so much & happy blogoversary!

  31. I just came across your blog, I ♥ it! I am now a follower. Can't wait to see more.

  32. Happy Anniversary!! Love your blog and I'm a follower!! I would sooo love to win that beautiful stamp set!! Thanks!!

  33. What an awesome thing to do! Just came across your blog and I am now a hooked!

  34. Just found your blog and love it! Signed up to follow through Google. Thanks for the chance to win. :)

  35. Thanks for the chance. Happy anniversary

  36. Ooooo, I just recently found our blog and am so glad I did...I will be a follower for sure. Love your style - gorgeous designs....great candy!!!

  37. Just discovered your blog today and I love it!


  38. Happy blogaversary! My first blogaversary came and went and I didn't even realize it! It's so great of you to offer such wonderful blog candy!!!

  39. Great blog, Happy First Anniversary!

  40. Your blog is just great!!! Happy blog anniversary!!!

  41. Oh, Gosh! I, also, like Patti Lee, she is amazing. Love the butterflies stamp set and dimensionals. I want, I want. Happy Anniversay.

  42. Happy Blogaversary!! I am a new follower but love your stuff!! Thanks for sharing your talent and the great blog candy!

  43. Wow! Congratulations! Thanks for the chance to win some awesome blog candy.
