Monday, February 1, 2010

50,000 Hits Blog Candy!!!

Scroll down for any new posts :) 

Hey friends!
Stop the Madness!!! Sometime today, my blog counter hit 50,000 hits! That's just incredible & I can hardly believe it. I was planning on offering some blog candy for my 1 year blogoversary (in April). But I couldn't wait. I mean 50,000 hits is a big deal, right? So, I have some goodies to offer as a THANK YOU for visiting my blog, for taking the time to leave comments, or dropping me an email to say you like the ol' blog and the projects I share. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I also want to especially thank the Dreamers who have always been so kind and generous with the luv! And to my newest friends, the Glitterbees, a group of super talented ladies I enjoy being a part of. Thank you everyone! So here's what I'm offering as a token of my appreciation:

(3) full size mailboxes from the Love Struck cart so you can make your own, beautiful creations. They will come scored so all you need to do is fold, adhere, & embellish.

Hmmm, speaking of embellishing, it would be nice to decorate your mailboxes with pretty papers, so you'll also get...
a full stack of "Love Notes" Designer Papers. It's an 8" x 8" pad with 48 double-sided sheets. 8 sheets of 6 designs. I LUUUUUUUV this paper. Yes, I've been hoarding it (hee! hee!) but now you realize I've got luv for ya if I'm willing to part with it!

You'll have lots of paper left over which you can use for making cards. But, you're going to need...
A card pack. It has 25 pre-scored card bases & envelopes.

But... you can't make plain ol' cards right? So, you'll need...
some cute images to add to them. You'll get 3 of each design: (3) Rosalie with Roses, (3) Lily Valentine Fairy ,and (3) Tilda with Rose. They're all stamped on PTI Stampers Select White CS with Memento Tuxedo Black---> ready for Copics or your fav color medium :)

But wait! You just can't make a card without pretty...
ribbon! This is 25 yards of satin edge ribbon. Yes! 25 YARDS, not feet. That will last you for a loooong time.

Group picture:

 So are ya interested? If you are, all you need to do is leave a comment on THIS post. Let me know if there's something you'd like to see me feature or make a tutorial of---> requests! I already have plans to make all my current tutorials into video tutorials. Yep, I bought a video recorder so I'm ready to go! No, you do not need to be a follower to play. I'm tickled beyond words that people actually want to follow my blog- seriously! But I want you to follow because YOU want to, not because there's blog candy involved! I know there are many of you that subscribe through email or google reader so I want to give you the chance to play too. If this is you, just email me & let me know you want to play & I'll add you to the play group. 'nuff said I think :) Soooo, I'll leave this open & at the top of my blog until Monday, February 1st, 8 p.m. PST. Play nicely with others, so just 1 comment per person please. Hello Kitty (or her beautiful assistant)
 will pick a name at random.  If it isn't you this time, don't worry, I have more goodies to share at my blogoversary. Wait till you see what surprises I have in store for ya! Heee! Heeee! Heee! Oh, BTW, this is not my kitty, but isn't it just the cutest thing evah! My brother thinks this qualifies for animal cruelty! Yeah, he's not a fan ;)
Thanks for peeking!


  1. lynnor aka icensheba on scsJanuary 29, 2010 at 3:49 AM

    Wow, Karli! 50,000 hits is a big deal!! I'm not surprised though with all the cool projects you do and feature on your blog. I especially love the great teacher gifts you do. I have several on my desk that I have made and love making them for my coworkers, too!! Love what you do inspiring!! Congrats on this major milestone!!!

  2. Congratulations! I love the hat on the cat!

  3. whoohoo! Congrats and what a fabulous blog candy!

  4. Congrats!!! what a lovely blog you have..thanks for sharing a beautiful ideas..can't wait to see your vedios.
    Thats One COOL cat!!!
    Thanks for the chance to win!!

  5. Wow--50K!!! Congratulations! I'm looking forward to the video tutorials. Awesome candy. Thanks for the chance.

  6. Congratulations !!!!! I enjoying poping in and seeing what wonderful creations a wait me. Plus, I also love Hello Kitty.

  7. OMGosh Karli...this is awesome! Congratulations on 50K! I can't wait to see your video tutorials. Your going to do a fantastic job I'm sure, your work is always top notch!

    Luv the pic of Hello Kitty's darn cute!!!

  8. Many congratulations Karli! What wonderful candy, thanks for the chance to win. I'll look forward to the tutorials, no requests, just enjoy learning anything new

  9. OK First off, I'm laughing my butt off at the wanna be Hello Kitty! Too cute.
    Next, congrats on your blog hits, you're quite the popular girl. As you should be with all your amazing talent. Can't wait to see your video tutorials.
    That's a fabulous prize you're offering up and if I would randomly get drawn for it, please re-pick for one of your other lucky fans!


  10. You tell Hello Kitty that I speak cat and he should pick me!!! Congrats on 50,000....I just went over 1000.... You're blog is great....
    GB Hugs, Micki

  11. Congratulations on 50,000 hits! You have a great blog and I love checking out all your ideas. I don't have any specific requests on tutorials. Just continue doing what you're doing! Have a great weekend!

  12. Wow! Congrats! I just love your blog!

  13. Carli, CONGRATS!!!!! Your blog is great and I love your tips and tutorials, especially the ones to do with Cricut.
    Congrats on 50,000

    P.S. what a precious kitty :)

  14. Congrats to you, great amount of hits! I read you in bloglines, so had to pop over to comment :) Ok, that kitty is just too cute for words. Where did you get that hat? I love it ... I want it ...

  15. Karli, I'm a 1st grade teacher and have really enjoyed your cards, gift ideas, and your great sense of humor! Congrats on your fabulous milestone, too. You have 'great stuff' as my students say. Your own personal Hello Kitty is darling!

  16. Wow, Congratulations. What an accomplishment. Thanks for such great bog candy. It would be great to be a able to make one for each of my 3 kids. I don't have DS or gypsy so cut files and such I can't do. Thanks for the chance and again these would be so fun to make! :)

  17. The Kitty is too cute! We had a Kitty that loved to be dressed. My girls played house and he was the baby. He loved it!
    Let's celebrate...yahooo! 50,000 hits on Karli,s blog!!!! Love your stuff...Love that blog candy too. How nice of you.

  18. Hi Karli,

    Congratulations on 50,000 hits! I'm not surprised seeing all the wonderful things you are sharing.
    I found your blog a while ago looking for teacher-gifts and got stuck ever since.
    You are offering an awesome blog-candy. Too bad I live over-seas. You think I could join in anyways if I come up for the postage?

    Have a great weekend!

  19. I have been visiting your blog for the past few days and I just wanted to thank you for all the amazing paper crafts you have shared. Whenever I leave your blog I am inspired!


  20. Lyne H ( 30, 2010 at 11:33 AM

    Congrats! Anything you can share is a plus. I like video tutorials particularly. One of your recent posts referred us back to the September one about your huge spider ... I am so scared of them, I still have goose bumps all over, just for having looked at the pictures! Thanks for the blogcandy.


  21. Brand new follower here and i'm really enjoying your creations so far!! Congrats on 50,000 hits and your blogaversary =) Thanks for doing such a sweet giveaway. Keep up the amazing work and I look forward to seeing your creations =)

  22. Hello Karli I have your blog in my Favourites and I regularly drop in to see what beautiful creations and tutorials you have in store for us. I do have to confess however, that I have yet to comment. I do wish to congratulate you on achieving your 50,000 hits, it is an achievement but deservedly so. May you continue to inspire!


  23. Congrats on 50.000 hits! I always love coming to visit your blog- great posts. I love the hat on your cat today....! I am sure 50,000 more will be here before you know it!

  24. Congrats on the hits to your blog- it is a long way off on mine! your blog candy is amazing and I have my fingers crossed!

  25. The kitty is too cute. Love the blog candy. I really love 3d tutorials expecially making cool boxes:)

  26. I love your blog and stop by most days...keep doing what you are's to many more hits...


  27. I love your blog!! I check here almost daily to see all the wonderful things you create! I love Stampin Up products too! and have a cricut machine also, so your creations are always 'liftable!" LOL!!! Thank you for giving me the push to get back into something I have always loved!


  28. I just love the cat in the hat, the images and your blog are so much fun!
    Glitterbee hugs!

  29. Wow, Karli! 50,000 hits! That's wonderful! Congratulations! I'm not surprised as you always have such great projects to share! Fantastic blog candy, too! What a haul! I'll be counting the minutes on this one! Thanks so much for all your inspiration! Blessings to you!

  30. congrats....I love your blog, as does everyone else...Thanks for the great give away...Hugs, Ronnie

  31. Love the kitty helping out. Congrats on all those hits. Wow!

  32. I love the Hello Kitty wanna be! I love your
    blog and all of your "creativeness"! Congrats on the 50,000! Says alot,eh!

  33. Way to go! Your blog is one I check everyday and am always delighted with what you share. Thanks

  34. Congratulation WOW,I'm looking forward to your videos.I have you on my favorites I check it daily.Hello Kitty is a cutie.Thanks for a chance.

  35. Congratulations on 50,000 hits! You have a great blog. I don't have any specific requests for tutorials at this time, but my daughter (12 this next week)just loves checking out all your ideas.


  36. Congrats on 50K hits. Love your blog!


Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment :) So appreciated!