Monday, December 28, 2009

Look Ma! No layers :)

Hi there friends,
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas or holiday you celebrate. There are quite a few this time of the year! I was so fortunate to receive lots of goodies for Christmas so I had to get busy on my thank you cards. One thing I don't think I do well in my card crafting is to keep it simple. But, I needed to make about 25-30 thank you cards so I had to KISS (Keep It Simple Sweetie!) I decided to make simple, no layered cards. So here's what I made:

(sorry for the lighting & bad pics :( unfortunately I had to take pics at night & even with my OTT light, they would not come out well.)

I used one of the CB embossing folders I won from Shelly's blog candy! It's beautiful swirls & snowflakes- very pretty. I traced over the swirls with my glue pen & sprinkled ultra fine glitter for sparkle. I heat embossed "Thank You" & wrapped ribbon around the card. Very simple, but very pretty, I think :) The stamp set is Wonderful Words (SU!)

Thanks so much for peekin' today! Are you in the mood for a project? Well, I've got one coming your way soon :) I'll give you a hint... Got gift cards??? Uh huh!
Gotta Go!


  1. Karli, this is beautiful! Love the simple elegance! The silver is stunning against the white! This could be used as a wedding or engagement thank you as well. Great job!

  2. Wow this is so pretty! I love the silver and white together! Just beautiful.

  3. Beautiful and elegant, love that embossing folder, I'll have to track that one down...

    Welcome to the Glitterbees :)

  4. So elegant this is really a beautiful card.

  5. This is just gorgeous Karli! And, I cannot wait to see what is in 'store' for us next! I love your projects!

  6. This card and the gift card holder are wonderful. Now why did I throw those Starbucks cards away? What a great idea!


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