Friday, April 22, 2011

Bunny Money

Hello friends,
I wanted to share a super quickie card I made for my boys for Easter. Making cards for boys or men are hard, right??? Especially if they happen to be related to me! But I thought I would remind them that even though they're growing older, they're still my little bunnies.
Here are the cards I made for them:
The carrot part holds some yummy Jelly Bellies and the leafy part is their favorite green stuff---> MONEY! This was so simple to do. You can crank these out in mere minutes! Wanna see how??? Here's a quick little tut for ya!

Step 1:
 Using Heart Nesties make a heart pocket by folding a piece of cardstock in half & cutting it out but leaving the folded edge inside of the cut lines. Add adhesive to one side to form the pocket. No heart Nesties? No problem. Make a heart freehand.

Step 2: The Leafy Part
Initially, I was going to use regular green cardstock, but then I thought they would rather see some real green! I used $1 bills cuz I was trying it out & I didn't want to waste $5 or more if my concoction didn't work! Hee!
 I used my score board to score the money so it would be easier to fold (at every 1/4") just like you were making rosettes. You can just eyeball it & accordian fold.
Step 3: Fold along the creases.

Step 4: Add REMOVABLE adhesive along the edge & fold to create a fan.

 Stick a fork in it cuz it's done! Now just assemble your carrot. I added some (removable) glue dots to hold it to the card.

Here's a peek at each one:

I had to keep it simple since my boys don't go for frilly :( but if you make these for a little girl you can have a blast! The finished size is a standard card size- A2 (4 1/4" x 5 1/2").

Thanks so much for peeking today! Hope you liked this quickie little project :)
Gotta Go!


  1. Super cool idea. You are right, men cards are soooo hard to make. But this card is great.

    Happy Easter and big hugs

  2. Hi Karli! Oh my goodness, this is such a stunning & great idea!! Bet your boys loved it!! Happy easter! Hugs & Sunshine! /Sari

  3. Karli!! These little $ holders are so, so CUTE!! I love them! Was just thinking this morning...what can I make for my own boys to hold their Easter cash? Thanks for the inspiration & Happy Easter!! :) :)

  4. What a GREAT idea!!!! It's perfect for those 'older' kids! :) Thanks for the directions! I think I'm off to give it a try!!

  5. This is such a great idea Karli! Mine are still all about the candy haul from the big bunny, but I'll need to file this one away for the future. Great idea as usual!

  6. This is so cute, what a perfect way to include cash as a gift!

  7. Gosh, Karli! I would like to get this card!! Of course, I'd be happier with twenties!! Great card and wonderful idea! Thanks for sharing the deets! Blessings to you, my friend!

  8. Wow, what a terrific gift idea! Thanks for sharing.

  9. Can I have half of your creative mind?!?!? These are over the top cute & fun. tfs

  10. what a super cute idea this is. I'll have to keep this in mind!!

  11. Now why didn't I see this before Easter?! Again, too cute!!


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