Saturday, December 4, 2010

Anyone for Anya

Hi friends,
I think I'm right under the wire for this week's challenge at Anyone for Anya.
Here's the sketch:
 Here's my card:
The image is Beanie Anya from the Greeting Farm. Isn't she cuuuute?! She's colored with Copics. I used papers from Bo Bunny's Winter Joy collection. I'm so loving these non-traditional Christmas colors! Instead of matting layers with cardstock, I thought I would add Stickles around the edges instead. I'm sure it's hard to see, but between each layer of DP, there's a layer of Stickles- so this card has plenty o' sparkle! I'm going to add the greeting under the purple Christmas tree. I would loooove a purple Christmas tree! I think it would look amazing :) The snowflakes are MS punches.

This card also makes it for the challenge at Stamp something- make a Christmas card. I have a feeling they'll have loads of entries ;)

Thanks for peeking today!
Gotta Go!


  1. Beautiful card!! The colors are so pretty!! Great sketch, too!!

  2. OH how adorable! Just love that Anya!

  3. Such a cute Anya, love these bright and fun colors, too.


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