Monday, December 13, 2010

Godiva Inspired box Tutorial

Hi there friends,
Sorry for my absence. I "mistakingly" downloaded the Kindle app for my iphone yesterday cuz I had a free book download & decided I would use it for Breaking Dawn (Twilight Series) which I hadn't read. While waiting for dinner to cook, I decided I'd get a chapter or 2 in to see if I'd even like the Kindle. Afterall, I kinda like the feeling of a book in my hand & I wasn't sure I'd like reading a book on my iphone. Well, that 30 minutes turned into 5 hours as I couldn't put it down until my phone died! I charged it over night & when I awoke this morning I started reading again :) So this evening I finished it! So that's my reason for not getting this tut out to ya earlier. Blame it on Edward! And now I'm in love with reading on my iphone!

Anyhoo, here's the tut for the simple version of the Godiva inspired box.

For the box: (click on any pic to enlarge)
you'll need a sheet of cardstock/ Patterned paper cut at: 8" x 9 1/2"
On the 8" side score at 2 3/4" and 5 1/4"

On the 9 1/2" side, Score at 2 3/4" and 6 3/4"

Cut on score lines as shown & cut along the edges of the tabs at an angle. You'll also want to trim the ends of the tabs (about 1/4") as shown. 

Add adhesive to the tabs and assemble your box:

 Now let's work on the wrap:
You'll need a sheet of CS or DP measuring 4" x 12".
Score at 5 1/2":

 Add adhesive to the back of your box:

adhere the longer end of the wrap so that it's flushed with the bottom edge:

 Side view:

I trim the corners:

Then wrap a ribbon around the box to embellish it, but it also serves as the closing mechanism. I tuck the front tab behind the ribbon (so tie that ribbon pretty snug.)
That's it! Easy peasy right???
Here's the finished sample I posted for the hop:
To clarify: No, you do NOT need to be a follower to enter into my blog candy. I am tickled (& truly humbled) at anyone who wants to follow my blog, but please do so if YOU WANT to. There are no strings for the candy- well, only one: leave a comment- that's it! :)

I will post the other 2 versions next time. It's too much for my brain right now :( I've downloaded Brimstone by Preston & Child (2 of my fav authors!) a book I've been dying to read for a looooong time! If you like Mysteries & Thrillers (and generally getting the pants scared out of you :) you'll luuuuuv them!

Thanks so much for peeking today. Hope this tut helps with your handmade packaging for gift giving & as my good friend Sandra says, Keep it sweet & always keep it semi-homemade :)
Gotta Go!


  1. Thank you for the tutorial. Do enjoy some "YOU" time and read, it's good for the mind

  2. So you like electronic readying now, hmm? I don't have an iphone, but always wandered how that would be - sounds pretty cool :) SO, are you an Edward fan???? :)
    Great tutorial, darling. And your hop box is GORGEOUS - love the papers you used, ribbon and the beads. My gosh, that's just stunning!!!!

  3. Thank you for the tutorial, it looks very easy and with the right dsp pretty, like the one you posted before! Make sure to take "me" time at this time of the year, it helps to recharge your batteries, so to speal! :) Mary

  4. Thank you for the tutorial and happy reading!

  5. Very cool box- the gold DSP with the pretty spray is just gorgeous! Do enjoy reading and enjoy your "ME" time!

  6. Such a great tutorial and the blog hop box is just what I would dream of having under the tree. Oh well, with 2 sons and no crafters in the family dream on LOL

  7. Dear Karli,
    You continue to amaze me with all that you do. A new home, a new teaching position, new colleagues, new students -- and you still manage to share your love of papercrafting with us. I know this year has presented you with many challenges and you have managed to still maintain your marvelous sense of humour. Thank you for the many wonderful ideas you have shared. I feel so blessed to have discovered your blog. Wishing you and your family a most Merry Christmas and many blessing for 2011.


Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment :) So appreciated!