Sunday, October 31, 2010

I Always Feel Like Somebody's Watching Me...

Hi ya friends!
Happy Halloween to ya! I LUUUUUUV Halloween- it's so fun 'round these parts! We all keep it light & fun. Today I wanted to share a card I had a blast creating & it's totally a concept I came up with in a dream. I know I'm not the only dream crafter out there, right???
Here's the cover:
 The card is held closed with this meshy-webby creepylicious ribbon :) The sentiment reads "Enter if you Dare." I cut that out on my Cricut using the Happy Hauntings cart.

Then when you slide the ribbon off...
 goes the spooky tree & the gravestones!
 I cut the tree (and the sentiment) on my Cricut as well with Happy Hauntings. This is the tree that actually is a 3D tree (it stands on its own), but I only used 1 side & altered it a bit to create a pop up tree! I love the creepylicious feel it has :) The gravestones were made with the small tag punch from SU! & then I added a little pen work to embellish.

 Here's another peek at it:

You may have noticed that this is no ordinary tree. Nooooooooo. Apples or oranges don't grow on this tree---
 They're EYES!!! Yup, popped some googly eyes on :) I also added some flower soft to cover the pop up mechanism & give it that mossy look. I added a bit more around the grave stones as well. It was the perfect touch!

The card does close flat & the tree pops right up when you open it! I love it when a plan comes together just like I had imagined---> or in this case, dreamed of!

Well friends, I hope you have a howling good time trick-or-treating tonight. Don't forget to grab the good candy check the candy your kiddos get before they have at it. It's your duty---> your obligation as a good parent ;)

Sorry I didn't get a chance to share more Halloween cards & projects- trust me I had a lot more to share. But for Christmas, I'm wishing for 40 hours in my day. 24 just isn't cutting it! KWIM???
Thanks so much for peeking today!
 Gotta Go!


  1. Oh my, Karli--I love, love, love this card! How fun to open the card and have a graveyard pop up. Great idea to use the flower soft.

    Happy Halloween!

  2. Awesome Karli. Love the way your dreams work LOL.

  3. how awesome is this card!! and that tree is fantastic. Love how you made it a pop up

  4. oh my gosh this is sooo cute! Spooky Cute! Love it!

  5. OMG...very creative..and I love that spooky tree with all the eyes growing on it. TFS

  6. Very creepy! Those eyes on the tree look great, such a cool idea. Love the front, too, the little owl is the cutest. Can't wait to see what you are making for Christmas, you are always so clever!

  7. That is so awesome- I love the pop up's when you open the card- very very cool! Love the great ribbon- so neat!

  8. Wow! I thought your card was great but when you open it up it's amazing! Love those eyes


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