Friday, August 27, 2010

DT- YMH meets Sketchy Thursday

Hi Ya friends,
YMH is sponsoring the Sketchy Thursdays Challenge Blog this week & our DT was invited to play along with their sketch.
Here it is:

Here's my Layout:
When I first saw this sketch I thought "Whoa, that's a lot of circle elements." then I pulled out this beautiful Prima paper called Strawberry Kisses- Daydream. I noticed that those glorious blooms were pretty much in the right place to go along with the sketch so I went with it :) Tucked in there (as part of the circle elements) are my 2 boys when they were little- tear, tear. And those pics definitely have a story to tell and it goes with my title. The journaling happens to also be part of the title. It reads: "Only my boys can make me mad and MAKE ME SMILE in the same sentence!"- and it's so true!!!

I used my Gypsy & Cricut to weld & cut out the title. I used Rose leaves & Prima flowers as photo corners. I also decided to print out my pics in Black & white so they would stand out from all the vivid colors & design of the page. Don't look, but I messed up while I was writing the journaling :( ... you didn't click to look at my mistake did you??? Don't make me start handing out some detentions! ;) Uuuuugh, I hate it when that happens :(

Quickly, The top photo: that's Jordan "trying" on my sunglasses. He said, "I'm cool, Mommy!" and then was taking them off & snapped one of the sides off. Then he said, "Oh... not cool" ---> I can laugh about that NOW :)

The pic below is my now 16 year old, who stopped to let me take this pic while "posing" for the camera (something he never did), then turns around, jumps off the stairs (he's standing on), TRIPS, busts his lip open ---> ER here we come for more stitches! This kid sent me on many ER trips, let me tell you! I think they were ready to assign me a parking spot! Thankfully, he hasn't been as clumsy as he's gotten older.

If you'd like to play along with this sketch, here's the fab prize you could win:
It's a Halloween 12x12 layout kit with 6 sheets of double sided paper, 2 sheets of stickers, die cuts and a yard of ribbon. PLUS you'll get 2 Hallowhimsy snag 'em stamps and a bottle of Pomegranate Fall 2010 Glimmer Mist. You've got til September 1st, so get crafting! Be sure to check out the rest of the DT's awesome takes on this sketch at the YMH Blog.
If you'd like any of these products, be sure to check them out at the YMH Store.

Thanks for peeking today & have a fab weekend!


  1. Beautiful SB page. I love how you tucked the boys pictures among the flowers.

  2. Love the layout Karli, brilliant to go with the paper for the circle elements! Cute little circle photos of your boys, with great stories to go along. Your pics of you are fab, too. Look way to young to have a 16 year old! Great page all around! Do I spy some stitching around the edges??!!

  3. Much like fur... it's faux all the way! that's for the stitching :) Hee!

  4. Super cute! I'll definately have to try to play along- it's a great sketch.

  5. This is wonderful Karli- I love all of the flowers for the circle elements- love the DSP and love the cute pictures of you! TFS

  6. Beautiful page--I like how you 'snuck in' the pictures of the boys.

  7. What a fun sketch! Great take on it, love all the flowers :)

  8. Beautiful layout, love those flowers


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