Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Cinema Saturday Challenge- Up!

Hi there friends!
Today I'm participating in Cinema Saturday Creative Challenge for the movie:
 I have to admit that when I saw commercials for this movie, it didn't catch my attention. My attitude was "I'll pass on the old guy." One of my friends kept raving about how much he enjoyed it so I ended up taking my little one. Well, here I am 15 minutes into the movie & guess what I was doing? WEEPING!!! I am not a crier, but it was so moving. If you haven't seen this movie I won't spoil it for you, but the final verdict for this movie was that I LOVED it! It was soooooo funny, touching, action-packed, great movie. Not just a great kid's movie. I mean a great movie- period!

Anyhoo, here's my card:
It's a very simple card. My inspiration was one of my fav parts of the movie when Doug (the dog) yells "Squirrel!" as he's so easily distracted (totally reminding me of my boys!). I totally laughed out loud at that scene :) Pixar just does not disappoint. Very creative peeps at that company!

I used the Doodlecharms Cricut Cart to make "Doug" and the balloons came from A Child's Year cart. As you can see, the balloons spell "Squirrel!" I did some faux stitching around the sides to frame it.

Thanks so much for peeking today! Don't forget to check out the 3 blog candies I'm offering for my blogoversary!
Gotta Go!


  1. That is just too cute!

  2. What a great, unique take on this challenge! I love it!!

  3. That is my favourite quote from the movie. Your card is too much fun.

  4. Ooo, Hubby and I liked that movie too! Your Doug is fab!

  5. OMG I'm going to have to case this ... "SQUIRREL" lol Loved that movie.

  6. Loved that movie! I just called my 6 year old in here to see your card. He loved it! He's now running around yelling "squirrel"! Great card Karli!

  7. So funny! Our dog does that too, and the kids enjoy quoting the film often. Another fun and clever card -love it!

  8. so bright and it!


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