Monday, January 18, 2010

Scrapbook Expo Review

Hi friends,
I wanted to answer a few questions regarding my "10 Reasons Why I Love Johnny" layout. My hubby & I have an understanding. Between the hours of 6 a.m. through 10 p.m. (my waking hours) I am all his. But come 10:01 p.m through 5:59 a.m. (my dreaming hours), I am free to spend my time with Johnny. Occasionally, my hubby sneaks in during my Johnny time, but it's OK, I guess. That's what keeps the peace & love in our relationship. That & maybe the fact that I didn't show him my Johnny Scrapbook page! :0 (Hee! Hee!)

Today I've got some of the goodies I picked up at the Scrapbook Expo this weekend.

I *tried* to be good :) and I was... I only got things I really wanted, that were unique/unusual, & that I couldn't just find anywhere near me. I finally got my hands on some T!M grunge paper!!! Now I'm going to try his gorgeous roses :) I also got a couple more of his goodies, 2 new EFs, a new pack of BasicGrey paper, a fun stamp (more on that later b/c that will get its own post), a new template, Spellbinders dies, and a matching Violet stamp set (this was pretty cool).

Here's how that works:

These stamps were created to work with the Spellbinder dies. See how the die fits perfectly over the flower image? Now you can get even more detail! Pretty cool, eh.

I also bought these Pinecone Press kits that I have been wanting:

These are the Make- n- Takes I made:

3 Scrapbook pages, a necklace, & a pocket card.

I'll show you the Scrapbook pages later b/c I still haven't completed the second page of each design. They're so super cute!

But here's the necklace:

OMG! This took like 5 minutes to make! I couldn't believe how easy & how beautiful the final product was. I'm so making some for gifts :)

Here's the pocket card:

Make-n-Takes are one of my favorite things to do (shopping is up there too :)

As you can see, I did my part to help the economy ;) And I really did try to be good because...
-----> CHA is this weekend!!!!!!!!
I'm a little excited as you can see :) I CANNOT WAIT!!!! I'm hoping to meet Anna Griffin. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE her things. She is my favorite designer. She has such an eye for designs, patterns, & color. T!M is another one I can't wait to meet. If I can't get close enough to meet them, seeing them in person is good enough for me :)

Thanks for letting me share my new goodies. The countdown for CHA begins! 4 days to go!
Gotta Go!


  1. Great haul Karli, love, love love that flower and matching die, hope it gets across to the UK soon. Can't wait to see what you make with your new stash :)

  2. You got some great stuff at the expo, can't wait to see what you create with it.

  3. Oh looks like you had a blast and got some really great things. Your make and takes are fab! Can't wait to see what you bring back from CHA.

  4. Lots of great 'stuff' you picked up- I have not seen the flower stamps for the flower dies- I LOVE really are quite the enabler my dear!!! I look forward to seeing what you create next!!!

  5. Looks like you had a blast. I'm just a whee bit jealous. Cant wait to see what you make with all this fun stuff.

  6. Karli, I'm living vicariously through you this weekend so think about your "bee" friends on the other side of the country while at CHA... Those nesties stamps are great...

  7. Karli, you go girl! I loooove Johnny too, but do that during my "sleeping time" :)
    Congrats on all of your goodies. You're right, that stamp fits right inside of the spellbinders - that's so cool! Can't wait to see your goodies put to work :)

  8. What great stuff! I wish I was going to CHA :(

    Your pocket card turned out so cute! I love the paper you used....very pretty!

  9. You found some fun goodies, I can't wait to see what you do with stamp and nestie that work together, too cool. Have fun at CHA, get lots of pics so we can all live through you!

  10. Just love the necklace, is there instructions for it?

    Love your blog too.


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