Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Cookie Recipe Folio

Hello friends,
Today I have another project created with the cuuuute Pine Cone Press papers/kit. It's a recipe folio. Again, like yesterday's book, it's super easy peasy to make.
Here's the front cover:

The gingerbread man & cookie jars are popped up.

Here's a peek of the inside:

It holds 6 recipe cards of your fav cookies, but you can always squeeze a few more in :)
That's it, soooo easy peasy right? But way adorable :) I still need to add Stickles & glaze to sparkle it up. I plan on making one of these for my son's teacher with a package of cookies, of course, and one of my fav cookie recipes. Who doesn't like cookies???

Don't be bummed that it's too late for Christmas. Noooooooo, cookie season goes on, friends. Think Valentine's Day or Mother's Day. Any day is a good cookie day! :) Don't have these cute papers? 'From My Kitchen' Cricut cart has the perfect images for this project.

Thank you so much for peekin' today. I've got 20 gifts to wrap before Friday so...
Gotta Go!


  1. Another fabulous project! You really should go into business!!! This is wonderful!

  2. You are getting so much stamping done! Another great project- love this!

  3. love this and would love to know how ou did this


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