Saturday, September 5, 2009

Test Tube Trio Treats

Hi friends,
Today I have this Test Tube Trio Treat Box (say that 3 times fast ;) to share with ya today. I luuuv the goo punch (from Martha Stewart)! It's just perfect for this kind of project :) Actually, I used a lot of MS products on this. I created the box following the uber fab Lisa Somerville's template---> (adjusting it for 3 tubes). I bought the tubes from "Uncle Mike's" & cleaned him out! I like to hoard! Don't hate me for that! (Wait, let me make sure I spelled that right- yes, hoard) Tee Hee! I'm sure they'll get more in. I like these because they're a great size, they're hard plastic (sturdy, but not breakable), they come in an 8 pack, & I like the cork top! I couldn't think of a better way to use my coupons :) I filled them with coordinating Halloween M&Ms. It didn't take too many. I don't know what to do with ALL the extra?? ;) I guess I'll have to dispose of them... down my esophagus!

Edited to Add: To answer Karen's question on how to make the gooey circle around the tubes... I just punched out a circle & put it in the punch & simply punched & rotated it until I had done that all the way around. It won't look exactly drippy, but it looks pretty good, ay!

Thanks so much for peeking at my gooey creation. I've got loads of projects brewing in my mind & I don't know where to start! I know, tragic--->Gotta go, but have a fabulous Labor Day Weekend! (US)

The 411
Paper: Black CS, Green CS, Halloween Print- DCWV
Tools: Bat Punch, Cat Punch, Skull & Crossbones Punch, Goo Drip Border Punch- Martha Stewart
Other: Stickers- MS, Test Tubes-MS, ribbon


  1. Great project. Hope I can get some test tubes. tfs

  2. Fantastic Halloween Project! That goo punch looks like a must have, but I haven't been lucky enough to find one.

  3. This is just too cute...the goo punch is adorable.

  4. awww this is soooo adorable!can't wait to see more of whats brewing !!!Great job!

  5. This is great idea. Love what youdid with the goo punch. Connie NH

  6. Lynnor aka icensheba on SCSSeptember 6, 2009 at 3:01 AM

    You come up with the cutest projects. If ya need any help with those M & Ms let me know...LOL!!

  7. Oh Karli, you've got me laughing out loud again! BTW, your project is super cute too.

  8. I love your test tube box. One question though, how did you do the oozing goo on the top where the test tubes go in the holes? I'm going to have to go get the MS punch. I looked at it the other day and decided I might not use it enough, so I didn't get it.

  9. this is utterly adorable!

  10. Too darn cute! Thanks for sharing your creativity with us!


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